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Whenever a great product comes along we do our very best to provide an awesome bonus to give you extra value. It provides a win win situation for us all. You get more value from the product you purchase and we get the chance to earn an affiliate commission.
The Bloggers Roadmap does exactly what is says on the tin. The whole program is geared to allow it's customers to get the Very best from their own blogs! The front end price reflects quality and jam packed content to allow bloggers and internet marketers of any level to learn and profit!!

And as usual we're providing a killer bonus to boot…
Check it out below…
Grab Your Amazing Bloggers Roadmap Products Below With Exclusive PLR Rights
Check Out All Our Bonuses You Get When You Grab
'Bloggers Roadmap' From This Page!

All You Need to do to Grab All Our Bonuses on This Page is Grab 'Bloggers Roadmap' From The link Below!

You need to be CERTAIN that we get credited for your purchase so that you can claim your BONUSES, therefore, we suggest you empty your browser cache (instructions at the bottom of the page), close all your web browser windows, then click on the link to our bonus page again, then click on the Bloggers Roadmap link from this page.
Important! All bonus claims will be manually verified and you will not be sent your bonus if you did not follow these instructions.
In order to claim your bonuses, please submit a ticket with your
JVZOO Payment ID to: www.HLShelpDesk.com
with 'Bloggers Roadmap" in the subject.
If you want to be SURE that we get credited for your purchase, so that you can be SURE to get your BONUS, then the affiliate ID on the order page must be EITHER 13747 or 1537 as shown in the image below.

We need to see the JVZoo Payment ID Number. This is the number will be in your email receipt and it starts with the letters "AP-" as indicated in the image below: Once we have verified that you purchased through our link, we will reply to your ticket with everything you need.
IMPORTANT : Bonuses are allocated on a first come, first served basis, this is based on the time we receive your bonus claim ticket with your JVZoo payment ID.
** WAIT! **
Before you leave, make sure you check out 'Bloggers Roadmap' for yourself.
There's a LOT MORE to this that we haven't mentioned yet!